Monday, October 3, 2011

Open Letter To Amanda Knox

Thatta girl Amanda!  When life gets difficult and you are facing a life sentence, find a random black guy to blame for your misdeeds.  Just like you blamed the murder on African businessman Patrick Lumumba before he was able to prove his innocence via alibi.

And if that doesn't work, play the sympathy card in front of a jury.  You played that jury like a fiddle, and now you are free.

Who cares if you really committed this crime?  The important thing was your legal team discrediting the police investigation, your manipulating the jury with your looks and demographic status, and your getting released by any means necessary.

Way to go!  I hope you and Casey Anthony start a reality show together!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Redneck Throws A McDonald's Cup At Me From A Pick-Up Truck

It has been 3 weeks since my return to the USA.  While my return has been remarkably pleasant for the most part, today there was an incident that reminded me that the proverbial 10% bigot rule still holds true.

I am in Orlando, Florida which is a medium sized city with a majority minority population.  While I was jogging today just after sundown, noticed a full McDonald's cup wizz past me.  I then saw a beat-up pick-up truck speed by with two occupants inside.

My impulse was to run and catch up to the truck at the red light.  But I then realized that this is America.  The goobers in the truck might have a gun and being a black man, the eternal redneck excuse the blackie having attacked them first was a possibility.

I the cup did not hit me, and I decided that these rednecks likely are miserable and wanted to spread their misery to someone else.

The larger issue is that this type of thing is bound to be on the increase in America.  The economy has abandoned menial laborers like these two and that, coupled with a President of African descent is bubbling over in some of these people.

As Gerald Celente says, "When people have nothing to lose, they 'lose it'."

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Movie "The Help" and the Perpetuation of Racial Stigma

I took one look at the movie poster for The Help and I knew that it was not a movie I would view.

Hollywood has the tendency to make these period movies depicting blacks as subservient, yet noble figures who have no control over their circumstances. The Green Mile, Driving Miss Daisy, Mississippi Burning, etc all fit that description.

The controversial Tariq Elite viewed the film. Ordinarily, I do not agree with Tariq on most things, but he is spot on with his analysis of this film.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Damage One Ignorant Negro Can Do

This is a powerful scene from A Soldier's Story.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Kate Middleton Outshines The Future King

For purposes of this website, females constitute a virtual ethnicity with all the rights and privileges thereto. Feminism wanted it that way, and that's the way it is.

Well, does it strike anyone else as odd that the future king is in the background of "commoner" Kate Middleton? Many noted this same phenomenon with Princess Diana outshining Prince Charles, but the it is surprising that the polite and photogenic Prince William is being made into second fiddle to his wife-to-be.

This is a symptom of femo-supremacy at it's finest. The woman was made by the man, but she is considered more newsworthy than he. A good woman would position herself in the background as the supporter of the future monarch. I hope Prince William remains a good sport with all this or we may see a splitting of the two after some time.