Monday, December 27, 2010

FUNNY. White People Aren't Afraid of Black People

This is a funny video that hopefully skewers a common stereotype. Enjoy....

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Black Female Aggression

This video is a disturbing example of what is becoming increasingly common among lower class black females. Warning, this is a difficult video to watch.

One has to wonder if this is what treatment their children receive as well.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Curious Case of Racism In Puerto Rico

After living and working in PR for some years, I am still always perplexed when a friendly Puerto Rican brings up the issue of racism and how it does not exist in PR.  Perhaps this is an attempt to try to portray PR in its best light, or it could be wishful thinking.  Whatever the case, it could not be further from the truth.

So what accounts for this disconnect of whether PR is racist or not?  I believe most PR have an overly simplistic notion of what constitutes racism.  Sure, the KKK does not exist in PR, there is no history of lynching, and the mixed population of people get along relatively peacefully.

But what the Puerto Rican misses is that its variant of anti-black racism is WORSE than that of the US mainland.  How could I say that, you ask?  Well, racial discrimination is an everyday phenomenon in PR.  This finally was brought to light by Reggaeton star Tego Calderon who hails from Loiza, PR, the town most associated with black Puerto Ricans.  Calderon wrote that racism is worse in PR because it is universally denied.

This denial comes in the form of Black Puerto Ricans claiming there is no racism, yet they consider themselves white on self-identification forms.  It comes in the form of Black Puerto Ricans claiming there is no racism, yet they usually do not even consider attending university in PR as it "is just not for them."  It comes in the form of Black Puerto Ricans claiming there is no racism, yet they know that the highest paying professions and most lucrative jobs are reserved for "Los Finos," or the white elite Puerto Ricans.

One other fallacy in Puerto Rico is the "We are all Puerto Ricans, whatever our color so we have not racism here."  This may be true, but most Americans consider themselves "all Americans" regardless of color, but that does not preclude the existence of racism there.  The family of all Puerto Ricans still has a color caste system that treats people differently according to color, regardless of their status as a Puerto Rican.

Yet another fallacy from the island is "Puerto Ricans are not racist because most of us have some level of black blood."  How ridiculous is that notion?  Adolf Hitler is said to have Jewish ancestors, yet he was more anti-Jewish than any other person in history.  Further, many white Americans have native American and even African blood, but that never stopped them from killing natives or discriminating against blacks over the years.

From a personal standpoint, a friend of mine came to Puerto Rico as a manager of a pretty big organization.  His status as an African American was a bone of contention when he began instituting changes in an under-performing institution.  He was resisted tooth and nail, falsely accused of managerial misconduct, and even stereotyped as creating fear in the office.  After a tumultuous year, my friend had enough documented evidence to begin firing people and replacing them with high performers with integrity.  But his ordeal of insubordination from a few subordinates was based on his skin color as most whites in PR could not handle a black person in a position of authority over them.

Finally, when a PR gentleman proudly boasted to me how PR has no racism, I asked him, "Could a black Puerto Rican ever be elected Governor of PR?"  He thought for a moment, and said, "Probably not, I see your point."

So for all of the racist history of the US mainland, African Americans are well represented in the middle and upper classes, attend university in the thousands and increasingly obtain advanced degrees.  They have multi-millionaires who are not associated with sports or entertainment, and even the current President of the USA is African American.  In contrast, black PR languish in isolation on the island and they are shunned from partaking in the means of social mobility reserved for non-blacks there.

There is indeed racism in Puerto Rico, and it is high time to stop the charade down there.  Having said that, black Puerto Ricans themselves have the onus of stopping the denial and starting the move to educate themselves and build institutions that increase their progress.  Until that happens, they will remain the ridiculed demographic group that does not realize that the joke is on them.  

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Racial Baggage and Traveling Abroad

The eloquent "eN" of YouTube fame speaks here on the sad but prevalent tendancy for some African-Americans to refrain from traveling abroad for fear of being mistreated on account of their race. True incidents of rudeness do occur, but they are grossly outnumbered by positive interactions that make other Americans envious of the attention.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Behold, The Typical American Girl

Thursday, April 29, 2010

How can she slap?

This video is a study in Mangina behavior. Although it took place on the Asian subcontinent, it could have easily taken place in the USA.

It illustrates a female provocateur who provokes a conflict specifically to spur the natural protective response of male onlookers. The result is the specific intention of the female realized.

And if you are a man, you are a destructive mangina if you run to the defense of a female provocateur as these manginas ran to the defense of this assaulted young man.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Taboo Truths in America and the Overseas Solution

This is what one intelligent gentleman has to say:

Taboo Truths in America and the Overseas Solution to them

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Black Men: Travel is Your Salvation

This is very true advice. Take heed!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why Can't Most Black Women Marry - You Decide

There is a HUGE problem with black women not being able to marry. Most of these women blame factors other than themselves so the situation worsens each year.

Watch this video and decide for yourself. Why can't most black women marry?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Another Black woman Has To Be Tasered

Black women hate men, but they must comply with men who are also law enforcement officers.

Black Woman Gets Tasered

Black American women tend to have an entitlement complex that renders them foolish with police officers. Here's one video that shows what I'm talking about.

Successful, Black, Female and SINGLE

This is the most candid assessment of why African American women tend to stay single. This is brilliant commentary.