Sunday, December 22, 2013

A top PR exec has sparked outrage after she reportedly sent a racist tweet shortly before boarding a plane to Africa.

The tweet, sent from the account of Justine Sacco, read: “Going to Africa. Hope I don't get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!”
Ms Sacco is the director of corporate communications at IAC, a company which owns a number of popular websites including OKCupid, The Daily Beast, Vimeo and Tinder.
The Twitter account has since been deleted after having no activity for a number of hours, supposedly while she was on the flight.

In response to the furour, IAC has removed Ms Sacco’s details from its corporate website, but not commented on her employment status. Many Twitter users have called on the company to fire Ms Sacco following the comments.
“This is an outrageous, offensive comment that does not reflect the views and values of IAC,” the firm said in a statement on Friday.

“Unfortunately, the employee in question is unreachable on an international flight, but this is a very serious matter and we are taking appropriate action.”
By Friday evening the Twitter hashtag #HasJustineLandedYet was trending on the social media site, with many speculating what would happen when she realised the backlash she had received.
Many Twitter uses also pointed to the ironic fact that Ms Sacco works in public relations for an Internet company.

David Cohn wrote: “Is that tweet real? You work in PR. You shld know better RT @JustineSacco “Going to Africa. Hope I don't get AIDS. Just kidding. I'm white!””
While another commented:  “@JustineSacco Let me know how fast it takes your white ass to get fired.”
The tweet  isn’t the latest in a string controversial comments Ms Sacco has made on the site.
Hours before, she had called London the home of  “cucumber sandwiches” and “bad teeth,” while she has previously tweeted “I like animals, but when it’s this cold out I’ll skin one myself for the fur” - at the animal rights group PETA.

In January Ms Sacco tweeted: “I can’t be fired for things I say while intoxicated right?”

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Light Skin/Dark Skin Debate Among Black Teens

One of the deepest sicknesses afflicting African Americans is the obsession with skin tone and colorism.
This video is a window into that mentality.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

George Zimmerman Was Appropriately Acquitted!

Now that the dust is beginning to settle around the Trayvon Martin legal case in Florida, it's time to reflect on the reality of the situation.  While I hate the fact that Zimmerman went out of his way to confront Trayvon against the direction of the police dispatcher, I still believe the jury in this case was bound by the restrictions of Florida law. 

Trayvon did not do himself any favors by brutally attacking Zimmerman and therein lies the reason Zimmerman was aquitted under the theory of self-defense.  Had Trayvon not chosen to physically attack Zimmerman.  Had Trayvon not mounted him in MMA style and pounded his head in the concrete.  Had Trayvon simply remained calm and non-violent he would likely be alive today, and if not, Zimmerman would be serving his first month in state prison.

Zimmerman's legal troubles are not over however.  The US Department of Justice is still reviewing the facts to determine if Zimmerman's racially-tinged decision to stalk Trayvon amount to a hate crime so don't be surprised if he is indicted federally.

The Martin family will also go after Zimmerman civilly to try and recover the hundreds of thousands of donated dollars for Zimmerman's legal expenses.

The most appalling element of this incident is the press coverage.  The press seems to be inciting and polarizing public opinion for the sake of ratings without giving due to all of the key facts in the case.  Hatred, distrust and hurt feelings abound as a result.

Stay tuned for the next chapter folks because this ain't over by any stretch.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Black Man's Guide 2 Understanding The Black Woman

For those of you who are not familiar with Shahrazad Ali, she wrote a very controvesial book in the early 1990's that was ahead of its time in insight.  Black men praised the book; black women excoriated it.

Today, many black women have taken a second look and realize that the relationship dynamics Ali wrote and spoke of are true.

Please have a look at her lecture to see what I mean.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Little Fun With Paula Deen

Most of us are aware that Paula Deen has been recently critisized for admitting to making racist remarks during a deposition.  Well, I don't know if she is really racist or not, but you just have to see this video parody!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

In Defense Of Black People Who "Act White."

This is some wise commentary by Mr Vee who explains why well-spoken black Americans are criticized for "acting white."  Only a sick and dysfunctional people would do that.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

White Anger And The "New Niggers"

It is axiomatic that bad economic times bring out the worst in people.  The below video shows an angry white man who provokes and vents his frustration on an immigrant store clerk.  It appears the dispute arose from the fact that the clerk refused to sell beer to the white man.  The white man resents this and give holy racial hell to the immigrant clerk.

This is sad to see but indicative of how SOME whites attempt to provoke minorities then invoke the state as revenge.  This immigrant did not fall for the trick, but I have seen many African Americans fall for it and pay with their freedom (and their lives in some cases).

If there is any wonder why I cannot stand the thought of ever moving back to the USA, it is people like this white guy and the camera man too.